Sequence of steps to be followed in the development of a
regression model.
- Sample: The sample size should be adequately large to ensure statistical power and
generalizability of the regression.
- Model design: Choose the dependent and plausible explanatory variables. Check
- Normality
- Linearity
- Homoscedasticity
- Independence of the error terms.
Often there is also the need to create additional variables to meet some of the below requirements:
- Transformations, in case some assumptions are not met.
- Dummy variables to cater for nonmetric variables.
- Polynomials required if curvilinear relationships exist.
- Interaction terms required if there are moderator effects.
- Run the model. Variable Selection is usually a combination of methods
such as confirmatory, stepwise estimation, forward regression, and backward regression.
- Examine Results: Output need to be thoroughly examined in the context of the
- Issues: Influential observations. Check for multicollinearity.
- Practical Significance: Is it theoretically sound?
Are the signs and magnitude of coefficient meaningful?
- Statistical Significance:
- Radj2: Adjusted coefficient of determination.
- F-ratio: Standard error of estimation.
- t-test: Statistical significance of regression coefficients.
- Residuals: Ensure that residuals meet required criteria.
If model lacks practical/statistical significance or there are modelling issues, the model design
must be revised (i.e., back to stage 3).
- Validation: Cross-validate the regression to assess how well the model can be
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