Marketing Analytics

Marketing Analytics Guide for Practitioners and Researchers. Analytics and research methods to optimize marketing mix and shape marketing strategy.

Exhibit 0.1   Research platforms form the foundation of marketing analytics. They are the knowledge silos that solutions tap to draw consumer insights and resolve business issues.

As advances in technology transform the very nature of marketing, there has never been greater need for marketers to learn marketing.

MarketingMind is a practitioner’s guide to marketing management in the 21st century. It is a collection of the chapters from the Marketing Analytics Practitioner’s Guide (MAPG). And, like MAPG, it blends the art and the science of marketing to reflect how the discipline has matured in the age of analytics.

As depicted in Exhibit 0.1, research platforms form the foundation of the discipline of marketing analytics. They are the knowledge silos that solutions tap to draw consumer insights and resolve business issues.

Collectively the platforms and solutions outline the scope of marketing analytics. It is essentially the discipline of measuring and analysing market information to derive an improved understanding of consumers. It provides management with the knowledge they need to identify and resolve marketing issues.


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