Exhibit 26.7 Keyword Density and Cloud report for www.nus.edu.sg. (Source: Seochat).
Keyword density is the number of times a keyword or phrase appears on a webpage as a ratio
of the total number of words on the page. For instance, to compute the density of the keyword “analytics”:
$$Keyword \,Density (“analytics”)=\frac{ COUNT(“analytics”)}{COUNT(All \, words \, on \, page)}$$
The excessive use of a keyword, referred to as “keyword stuffing”, may make the
content appear spammy or manipulative to search engines and can result in a penalty or lower
ranking for the website in search results. Additionally, keyword stuffing can make the content
difficult to read and unappealing to human readers, leading to a negative user experience.
Therefore, it is important to use keywords strategically and in moderation, focusing on creating
high-quality, valuable content that serves the needs of the audience.
A number of online SEO tools may be used to analyse keyword density and generate word clouds for webpages such
as the NUS homepage assessed in Exhibit 26.7. For this page, the density of keywords like university, education,
learning etc. lies within the range of 1 to 3%, which is considered optimum by SEO experts.