Components of Sales — Width and Depth

Sales may be broken down to two components — width and depth — the number of stores distributing, and the sales per store.

$$ \text{Sales = Number of stores distributing × Sales per store}$$

These components are interdependent — as distribution expands, stores start to cannibalize one another, adversely affecting the sales velocity per store.

A wide range of metrics are used by managers to assess the sales and distribution of their brands, and to formulate sales strategies and plans. The metrics relating to the velocity of sales are covered in detail under Section Measures of Assortment and Sales Velocity.

Initially introduced in Chapter 29, Retail Tracking, measures for distribution are further expounded upon in the subsequent section for better understanding and analysis.

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Online Apps to train Category Managers

Online Apps to train Category Managers

The Plannogrammer is an experiential learning facility for category managers, trade marketers, and retailers in consumer markets. Ideally suited for hybrid learning programmes, Plannogrammer imparts hands-on training in the planning and evaluation of promotions and merchandising.

It supports a collection of simulation and analysis platforms such as Promotions and Space Planner for optimizing space and promotions, Plannogram for populating shelves and merchandising, a Due To Analysis dashboard that decomposes brand sales into the factors driving sales, and a Promotion Evaluator to evaluate the volume, value and profit impact of promotion plans.