Advertising Quality — Adfactor — Dynamic Effects

Advertising Quality — Adfactor

The overwhelming evidence from research studies suggests that the quality of the creative material is critical in advertising. It is important therefore to include advertising quality as a measure when modelling advertising response.

The advertising quality is specific to the commercial, and it may be assessed in terms of consumers’ perception of the advertisement on various measures. One approach used by research firm Millward Brown is based on their Awareness Index (AI). This index is essentially a measure of efficiency of a commercial in generating awareness. It represents the incremental level of claimed ad recall generated per 100 GRPs. An adstock type variable called Adfactor is constructed by using ‘GRP × Awareness Index for the commercial’ as the measure for advertising:

$$ Adfactor_t=\frac{1-r}{f(1-r)+r}(fA_t+rA_{t-1}+r^2A_{t-2}\, ...\, +r^{t-2}A_2+r^{t-1}A_1),$$ $$A_t=AI × GRP_t.$$

Where, r is the retention rate, and f is the impact in the first period.

Millward Brown has demonstrated, through practical examples, that incorporating Adfactor into marketing models leads to significantly higher estimates of the contribution of short-term advertising effects.

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