Market Modelling — Consumer Promotions

Promotions Response Modelling - Overview

Exhibit 17.8   Overview of promotions response modelling.

The basic assessment of sales promotions reveals the impact of the promotions on sales, revenue and profitability. It does not however answer a number of critical questions, including the ones listed below:

  • What elements of the promotion are more effective in driving sales? What is the impact of the discount, the display, and the cooperative advertisement?
  • Does the promotion cannibalize manufacturer’s own brands? Or does it “steal” share from competitor’s brands?
  • To what extent does the promotion help build category volume?
  • How much more volume could be gained if the discounts are further increased?
  • What is the optimum promo mix that maximizes sales volume without incurring any loss in profit?
  • Does the promotion draw incremental traffic into the store? How much revenue and profit was generated from all of the purchases made by gained shoppers?

Econometric promotions response models yield answers to the first five questions posed above, and the remaining question can be answered by retail analytics.

The outline of the econometric promotions response models, in terms of inputs and outputs, is shown in Exhibit 17.8. These models analyse the data to derive the impact of each individual element of a promotion on sales. The resulting sales response functions yield estimates of discount elasticity of demand, discount cross elasticity of demand, and sales lifts due to displays, co-op advertising and other causal factors. It is possible to decompose sales into the elements contributing to the volume. Promotion response models can also forecast what impact a possible combination of initiatives will have on sales.

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