Hashtag (#)

Hashtags are used to categorize tweets by indexing keywords or topics. They can be included anywhere in a tweet and allow people to easily follow topics they are interested in. This categorization helps users and researchers search for relevant content. Clicking or tapping on a hashtagged word in a tweet will reveal other public tweets that also include the same hashtag. Hashtags that become very popular are often referred to as trending topics.

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Digital Marketing Workshop

Digital Marketing Workshop

Unlock the Power of Digital Marketing: Join us for an immersive online experience designed to empower you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the dynamic world of digital marketing. In just three days, you will transform into a proficient digital marketer, equipped to craft and implement successful online strategies.

Marketing Analytics Workshop

Marketing Analytics Workshop

In an analytics-driven business environment, this analytics-centred consumer marketing workshop is tailored to the needs of consumer analysts, marketing researchers, brand managers, category managers and seasoned marketing and retailing professionals.