The use of biometrics in product development and testing is
a relatively under-developed field of research that has much potential. In
particular there should be considerable scope in sensorial research where
devices like EEG can glean insights into consumers’ feelings and emotions.
EEG, GSR and/or facial coding can provide revealing insights
in taste testing and sensory research. Measuring pupil dilation through eye
trackers is also an option; as the saying goes, “the first taste is always
with the eyes”.
As they consume/experience a product such as a cup of tea, a
soft drink, a burger or a fragrance, the biometric sensors can provide
continuous flow of information on a host of metrics. So, you get to know how
consumers initially react, and how their reactions change over the duration
of the experience.
In a study conducted by Q Research Solutions, analysts
tracked physiological responses to four air fresheners through electrodes
placed on the consumers’ face (facial EMG), hand (GSR) and wrist (heart rate
variability). Seated at a fragranced booth, respondents were asked to sit
and breathe normally for 15 seconds as the devices captured their responses.
According to company sources, compared to conventional survey
research which indicated parity for “liking” across the fragrances, the
biometrics were revealing. Some fragrances were arousing, others were
neutral, and some experienced gains in valence, initially aversive, becoming
more approachable.
As this study suggests, biometrics can provide finer insights
into how consumers genuinely feel about products and reveal emotions that
they may not be able to express verbally or may not even be aware of. The
ability of biometric sensors to gauge how consumers’ responses change over
the duration of the exposure, adds another useful dimension to our
understanding of consumers’ experiences.
Details on biometric are provided in Chapter