
Exhibit 12.6   Apple’s 1984 commercial announcing the launch of Macintosh: “On January 24th, Apple Computer will introduce Macintosh. And you’ll see why 1984 won’t be like ‘1984’”.

Likeability relies on classical conditioning — consistent and long-term association with the execution leads to liking for the object (i.e., the brand). Likeable advertisements work well for big, established brands by imbuing them with interest, appeal, and status.

As a soft measure that can easily be influenced through creative treatment, likeability is particularly popular with advertising agencies. It is also a hallmark of online advertising, where enthusiasts are quick to click the “like”, “share”, or “retweet” buttons. Popular and effective commercials on the internet excel at linking the ad’s message with the brand through an entertaining storyline.

Apple’s 1984 commercial (Exhibit 12.6) is an example of an advertisement that is widely liked, well remembered and highly acclaimed. The Clio Awards added it to its Hall of Fame, and Advertising Age placed it on the top of its list of 50 greatest commercials.

The ad is also a prime example of symbolism in advertising. Alluding to Gorge Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, the young woman in the ad symbolised the arrival of the Macintosh, while IBM was depicted as “Big Brother”.

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