Insights provide a penetrating
understanding of consumers, their needs and their motivations. They are the
substance and the inspiration for breeding ideas and developing concepts. And they
are often gleaned from the observations sourced during consumer immersion.
An observation is a factual,
objective record of something read, seen or heard. It is the data that will
lead us to identifying the consumer needs. It should be devoid of
interpretation or judgement. Observations should not be confined within the
category; they should relate to people’s day to day lives. Take for example:
- She and her sons clean the house every Saturday.
She calls it a team building exercise.
- She usually consumes healthy drinks, yet once every few days
she indulges in alcohol-based cocktails.
- He walked down the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator.
- He often changed lanes while driving.
- He always drinks the same brand of Jasmine green tea whenever he is teaching.
- He said powerful, fuel-guzzling cars serve no practical purpose
on our busy city roads. People buy them as status symbols to “flaunt” how
successful they are.
- He said he does not buy personal care products. He uses whatever
body wash his wife buys.
- He does not use aftershave lotions. He says using scented
products makes him feel “artificial”.
Observations are captured by associates during consumer
immersion, preferably on Post It notes so they may be grouped and mixed with
other observations in the next stage.
Participants share their most interesting
observations with the rest of the team. While we tend to focus more on the
obvious, insights usually emerge from unexpected sources. Those observations
that come as a surprise might be the ones you need to pay attention to.
Clustering Observations
Observations that share common
ground are grouped to form clusters. For example, the following observations
could be grouped together under a cluster named “impatience”.
- He walked down the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator.
- He said he likes to eat only at restaurants where the service is
- He often changed lanes while driving.
Similarly, the observations below may be grouped under “my
car says what I stand for”:
- He said powerful, fuel-guzzling cars serve no practical purpose
on our busy city roads. People buy them as status symbols to “flaunt” how
successful they are.
- He claims that the hybrid car he drives is good for the
Generating Insights from Observation Clusters
Observation clusters are analysed
to determine underlying consumer needs.
A technique called laddering can
facilitate this process. The team relentlessly keeps asking themselves “why” — why
do people say what they say or behave the way they do?
Laddering will evoke responses that relate to functional drivers to begin with, but as we
persist with questioning, emotional drivers begin to emerge. The process helps
to peel off the outer objective layers and delve deeper into the subjective
truth — the emotional needs that are driving behaviours.
An insight may vary in form; it may reflect
generalised human aspect, or it may pertain to a specific situation. Ultimately
it uncovers a need that is applicable to a significant proportion of target
consumers. It explains their behaviour and is easy for them to comprehend and
relate to.
For instance, for the cluster “my car says what I
stand for” we may come up with the following needs: individuality and
belonging. By relating needs back to brand or category, we create a marketing
insight. In this case it reveals what manufacturers already know: “the car is
an expression of the owner’s individuality”.