Customer satisfaction research focusses
on customers’ perceptions of their experiences with the products and services
of a company, to determine their level of satisfaction. Its primary purpose is
to empower management to take measures to improve customer retention.
Customer satisfaction
research empowers top management to align their organization to better
serve the needs of their customers. It helps them prioritize resources and
initiatives in products, services and people development.
Competition benchmarks are of vital
importance in interpreting study finding. Dashboards that benchmark performance
on key metrics, vis-à-vis major competitors, reveal the areas where the
company outperforms as well as those where it lags behind.
Customer retention,
as mentioned earlier, is the prime objective. In addition to
aligning the organization to better serve customers in general, customer satisfaction
research emphasizes the importance of each individual customer. The act of
surveying serves as a useful communications and public relations medium.
Engaging individually with customers through the research, and subsequently
following up with them on problem areas, should strengthen customer
relationships. It should help resolve problems faster
and more effectively.
Customer feedback can motivate and guide employees
to better serve their customers. It is usually linked with employee
compensation and management incentives, particularly for organizations with
a network of sales offices, branches or stores. These reward schemes work best
in conjunction with other performance indicators such as revenue and profit
Derek Allen (2004) aptly describes the relationship
between Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Customer Satisfaction
Management (CSM) as “symbiotic”. CRM systems record internal measures such as
transactions and describe behaviours. It takes customer satisfaction data to
“reveal why CRM predictor variables affect CRM outcome variables”.
Customer satisfaction
research services are provided by a number of leading market research companies
including Kantar, Market Probe, Ipsos, Nielsen, GfK and JD Power. Consolidation within the industry has helped streamline the offerings. Kantar for instance
owns three research houses (TNS,
Millward Brown and Research International),
each once offering its version of customer satisfaction research solution.
Today TRI*M by TNS is the solution promoted by the group. Ipsos’ solution is
called Loyalty Satisfactor, and Nielsen’s brand is eQ (Equity Management
The key elements in most of these solutions
include measures for loyalty (e.g., eQ, Index, TRI*M index), customer
segmentation and driver analysis (importance measures).
Traditionally there are two types of customer
satisfaction surveys — transaction and relationship. A broad understanding of
these surveys should provide for a good appreciation of how customer
satisfaction research works.