Destiny — Marketplace

Video  Marketplace.

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You are transported to Joka, a virtual territory of close to a million inhabitants in 208,000 homes. There are three product categories, a number of manufacturers, a few major retail chains, and a fairly large base of lower trade outlets comprising of small chains and independent stores.

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  1. Ambrosia: Wholesome beverage that provides energy and nourishment and is made up of fruits, nectar, minerals and other ingredients.
  2. Panacea: Health food made from meat, vegetables and therapeutic ingredients. These food bars are nutritious, and provide protection against diseases and disorders.
  3. Hygenia: Personal care and hygiene products that provide for facial, skin, hair and oral care. These potions serve to enhance personal beauty and wellbeing.

Products are composed of a number of ingredients. The proportion of the ingredients has bearing on product cost and product quality, both of which impact on the demand for the product. Manufacturers and retailers have the option to adjust the composition of the ingredients of their brands. ... less

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Participants are grouped into teams of manufacturers and retailers. Manufacturers manage a portfolio of brands cutting across the categories listed above, and retailers operate a chain of stores that distribute these brands. ... less

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Joka shoppers have been categorized into segments – Convenience Seeker, Experimenter or Variety Seeker, Price Conscious, and Quality Conscious. The defining characteristics of the shoppers in these segments are as follows:

  • Convenience seekers have limited time and prefer hassle free shopping at outlets that are close to home and convenient to get to.
  • Experimenters try different products and like range and variety.
  • Price conscious shoppers seek better value, at low prices.
  • Quality conscious shoppers want better quality products and prefer modern and pleasant shopping environment.
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Consumers segments differ from one category to another. In Ambrosia for instance, consumers are categorised into the following four segments:

  • Price: These consumers are price conscious and seek low prices and value for money.
  • Health: Health conscious shoppers are concerned about health and well being.
  • Functional: These shoppers are primarily interested in functional benefits. They seek appetising products that provide energy and nutrition.
  • Connoisseur: Connoisseurs tend to be very well informed about Ambrosia products. They appreciate quality, aromatic and tasty products.
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Note: Destiny offers the flexibility of different configurations of teams, categories and markets. Details in this site pertain to the most frequently deployed format which constitutes 3 manufacturers, 2 retailers, 3 categories and 1 geographical market.